1. Be respectful. Do NOT post any content (including chat, avatar, and nickname) that is:
- Political or religious topics
- Indecent
- Libelous
- Defamatory
- Obscene
- Harmful or threatening
- Abusive or harassing in nature
- Sexually explicit or otherwise offensive and objectionable
- Any expressions of hatred, bigotry, or racism; that constitutes or encourages a criminal offense; that is embarrassing, unwanted, or invasive of another's right of privacy or right of publicity; and that violates the rights of any party or violates any laws.
2. Do NOT spam the forum or PM.
3. No self-promotion, soliciting, or advertising inforum or PM.
4. No in-game items or game account trading on the server; do not share account and finance-related information with others under any circumstance.
5. Do NOT impersonate Game Hollywood employees or Game Masters (including in chat, via avatar, or nickname).
6. Get permission from the owner before posing any copyrighted materials.
7. Do NOT violate the Term of Use. (
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We reserve the right to mute, ban or kick any alternate & main accounts. We will try to avoid any mutes/bans without warnings. We will delete messages that run counter to the rules. If someone is breaking the rules or you believe it should be considered a violation, please contact a Moderator or GM.