Now i have been playing 8 ball billiards ( UID 30925045 Purenergy ) for a long while im 66 and enjoy the game but many a time i have tried to play the game with disabilities disabilities like not being able to move the blackball during play customer service will not help . Now i am being singled out by arseholes here who control the game and interfere with game playing . When they shouldnt . i have put up another forum earlier here but no one seems to give a dam. Now i have been toughing it out but i cant match skilss when these fucking arseholes control what goes on during my game . would you like to be victimized by either having points taken off to distract the other player by the noises allowed here now this shit has gone to far i reached 82,859 in coins and its been cut to 45,481 and i had enough of this shit i quit when you people turn a blind eye to claiming not to know what is happening with in the game and the fucking games controllers run this game nobody benifits i know i am being watch every fucking game every night i play the game and you morons the bosses dont do shit you let it happen . I refuse to spend money on a game i could be playing with pride and spending happily if you fuck heads were to fix the problems here i am pissed very pissed and to those fuck heads in your organisation there not worth the money that they are employed for you know at the end of the day they are taking GAMES HOLLYWOOD for fools because nothing is policed in this game nothing . you have my ID and my email im sure you can find it if you want to contact me.