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8 Ball Master [ Rank Match Rewards ]
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Joined: Jun 2, 2023
Messages: 184
Dear players, this Rank Match season will end on July 5, and the top 10 players will receive an avatar frame via in-game email. 
The top 3 players will receive a unique avatar frame, while the top 4-6 players will receive a special avatar frame. 

If you are interested in the rewards, you can play rank matches to improve your rank before the end of the season!


For any game problems, please contact GHG customer service: SUPPORT

Joined: Jul 4, 2023
Messages: 1
Top 10, thank you.............. what ? there are like 76,ooo players....... your so gracious ? ? ? ?

Joined: Jul 5, 2023
Messages: 1
Dear admin and dev team,
I'm Vnkk Top 1 Rank 8 Ball Master
Ingame ID: 11861244
I haven't receiced the ingame prize included Champion Cue and 250$ ingame' currency
Also,I want to know when and exact time I can receive the real life prize included 1000$ cash and Physycal Pool Cue (free shipping)
I will receive the money through PayPal or which kind of payment method ?
ball ball king

Joined: Jun 15, 2023
Messages: 13
GHG_2VhhgOAsg6NG3xzy wrote:Dear admin and dev team,
I'm Vnkk Top 1 Rank 8 Ball Master
Ingame ID: 11861244
I haven't receiced the ingame prize included Champion Cue and 250$ ingame' currency
Also,I want to know when and exact time I can receive the real life prize included 1000$ cash and Physycal Pool Cue (free shipping)
I will receive the money through PayPal or which kind of payment method ?

You also can try to contact here to solve your problem.
I hope it can help you.
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