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[Update] New features in Special Ring!
Forum Index » Titan Revenge
Author Message
【GHG Offical】

Joined: Jul 3, 2023
Messages: 84
Dear Titan and Angels,
New features have been added to Special Ring - Gild and God's Hand! Unlock the new features today!

1. The equipped rings can be gilded to shuffle attributes
2. The higher the quality of the equipped rings, the more attributes can be activated
3. The locked attributes will not be shuffled
4. When all Gild attributes are activated and reach Legendary, it changes to advanced Gild
5. Advanced Gild can randomly increase a random attribute

God's Hand:
1. Consume the corresponding materials to upgrade and get attribute boosts
2. Upgrade the Palm level to unlock more finger slots
3. The slots can equip Magic Rings,Special Rings and Divine Rings of specified quality
4. Raise the level of finger slots to increase the attribute bonus of the equipped rings
5. The rings can be replaced, but they cannot be replaced after equipping the rings with the highest BR
6. When the rings in the [Magic Ring] page and the [special Ring] are replaced, the corresponding rings in the finger slots will also be replaced
7. Equip a certain number of rings in the finger slots to activate the corresponding Palm skills


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