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Crimson Angel Evoloution balance issues
Forum Index » Crimson Angel
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Joined: May 9, 2024
Messages: 1
Hello i was wondering why the evo was so harsh for the next phase for rb 6 III, you need 740 total equipment refinement, as ive seen and heard from others that are around my power/evo they are maybe a third of the way to 740.. i feel this is too harsh for most casual players. i dont mind a grind but this is a little much imo. and even if i wanted to pay my way there refine materials are quite hard to get. thank you for listening i know the game is beta soi hope my feedback is at least taken into account.. Happy gaming everyone =D
【GHG Offical】

Joined: Jul 3, 2023
Messages: 84
This is a bug and we have fixed it.

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