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Daily Login recovery of offline xp and items.
Forum Index » Crimson Angel
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Joined: May 6, 2024
Messages: 3
Every day I log into the game and I am presented with the splash screen that shows me a list of the things I have missed from the prior day including the XP I have accumulated while offline.

The problem I am having here is that nothing is working on this screen, I click continue and nothing happens, I don't get the XP that is in the bonus pool and I don't get the items that it reports that I am going to recover. I have checked plenty of ways and seen that it is not working.

Additionally, there is no button to find anywhere on the game UI that goes to the recovery page, in order for the splash screen to show up on the game, I will have to wait 30 minutes to open the game again so that the offline credit can be shown. I wish there were a button I could press to take me back to the page.

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