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Forum Index » 8 Ball Master
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Joined: Oct 16, 2023
Messages: 1
Who would we talk to about getting some decent chat lines like. Good game, nice shot, thank you, good luck, lucky shot non of the ones they have are useful?? I deserved that, I got to go, they all suck
Joined: Jun 2, 2023
Messages: 184
Excellent suggestion, but you'll need to submit a ticket here in order for the game team to hear your voice. smilie

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Joined: Mar 28, 2024
Messages: 1

Joined: Jun 20, 2024
Messages: 1
Many players have double profiles, one advanced and one as a beginner and when they play like beginner they play some great players. Just to let them know that it's easy to see who is a beginner and who acts like a beginner and actually enjoys humiliating the weaker ones... Cheers.
Forum Index » 8 Ball Master
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